威尼斯wns8885556 药学院,武汉市洪山区民族大道182号,武汉430074,中国
Tel.: 027-67841196 (办公); E-mail: xzyang@mail.scuec.edu.cn

职称: 教授、硕士生导师
电子邮箱:xzyang@mail.scuec.edu.cn;ORCID: 0000-0003-1697-2923
2007.9-2009.1:瑞士巴塞尔大学药学院从事博士后研究工作(合作导师,Matthias Hamburger教授)
2009.1-2010.12: 澳大利亚格里菲斯大学新药发现研究所,Research Fellow (团队负责人,Ronald J Quinn教授,澳大利亚科学与工程院(ATSE)院士)
2010.12-至今: 威尼斯wns8885556药学院从事教学和科研工作,副教授,教授
期刊Frontiers in Pharmacology(中科院二区,IF5.83)的Associate Editor
《整合药学杂志》英文刊(Journal of Holistic Integrative Pharmacy,JHIP)、Molecules客座编辑
Carbohydrate Polymers、Acta Pharmacologica Sinica、Organic Letters、Bioorganic Chemistry、Journal of Natural Products、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Phytochemistry、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Phytomedicine、Food & Function、Industrial Crops & Products、Foods、Journal of Functional Foods、Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy、Scientia Horticulture、Food Science and Human Wellness、Food & Nutrition Research、Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture、Frontiers in Pharmacology、Journal of Ethnopharmacology、Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry、Planta Medica、Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters、Tetrahedron Letters、Phytochemistry Letters、Helvitica Chimica Acta、Natural Product Research、BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine等五十多个国际医药专业刊物的审稿人
1. 杨新洲(1/8),吴宁,顾成刚,卢汝梅,陈少军,赵平,王强,任永申. 基于中药及民族药物库和活性导向的新药发现策略及其应用,湖北省科学技术奖(科技进步奖)二等奖(2018J-214-2-086-073-R01),2018年12月.
2. 杨新洲(1/8),宋萍,卢汝梅,吴宁,赵平,袁经权,林亲雄,舒广文. 基于中药及民族药物库和活性导向的药效物质高效发现策略及其应用,中国民族医药学会科学技术奖(科技进步奖)一等奖,2022年7月.
3. 万定荣,杨新洲(2/8),陈科力,葛月宾,聂晶,焦玉,林亲雄,吴绍敏. 南方特色民族药资源调查鉴定、质量控制与规范化应用,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖)二等奖(2018-294),2019年1月.
4. 万定荣,杨新洲(2/8)等.《中国毒性民族药志》,国家民族医药科学技术奖一等奖,2019年11月.
5. 万定荣,杨天鸣,杨新洲(3/10),葛月宾,刘新桥,林亲雄,帅丽,付海燕,陈科力,陈家春. 湖北省土家族药材资源、鉴定和质量控制研究, 国家民族医药科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖(2014-11-24-ZR02-503),2014年11月
● 2013年入选CTXZ计划
● 2014年入选第7批武汉市东湖高新3551人才计划
● 2019年入选国家民委中青年人才计划
● 2013年 威尼斯wns8885556大学生创新创业项目优秀指导老师
● 2013年 汪超,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2014年 杨静,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2014年 第七届全国大学生药苑论坛三等奖(指导老师)
● 2014年 研究生汪超入选2014年国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生项目(澳大利亚Griffith大学,世界排名202)
● 2015年 汪超,湖北省优秀硕士论文(指导老师)
● 2015年 威尼斯wns8885556优秀网络辅助教学二等奖
● 2016年 黄密,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2016年 威尼斯wns8885556“十佳青年教工”
● 2016年 教育部审核评估先进个人
● 2017年 段欢,湖北省优秀学士论文(指导老师)
● 2017年 柯蕊芳,第五届全国医药院校药学/中药学专业大学生实验技能大赛一等奖(指导老师)
● 2017年 陈丽,第五届全国医药院校药学/中药学专业大学生实验技能大赛三等奖(指导老师)
● 2017年 研究生黄密入选2017年国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生项目(瑞典Lund大学,QS世界排名79)
● 2017年 邓世豪,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2018年 黄蕴,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2018年 陈丽,2018年度湖北省大学生优秀科研成果奖二等奖(指导老师)
● 2018年 王佳琳,2018年度湖北省大学生优秀科研成果奖三等奖(指导老师)
● 2019年 研究生黄蕴入选2019年国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生项目(丹麦Copenhagen大学,QS世界排名75)
● 2019年 吕奕兵,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2019年 吕奕兵,威尼斯wns8885556三好研究生标兵
● 2019年 郝吉,硕士研究生国家奖学金(联合指导老师)
● 2019年 张进燕(广西中医药大硕士生联培),硕士研究生国家奖学金(联合指导老师)
● 2019年 张进燕(广西中医药大硕士生联培),暨南大学读博
● 2020年 吕奕兵,威尼斯wns8885556优秀硕士论文(指导老师)
● 2020年 吕奕兵,威尼斯wns8885556优秀硕士毕业生(华中科大读博)
● 2020年 章仁(武科大硕士生联培),华中科大读博
● 2020年 陈豪(广西中医药大硕士生联培),成都中医药大学读博
● 2021年 马远任,威尼斯wns8885556优秀硕士论文(指导老师)(中国海洋大学读博)
● 2021年 梁旭(广西中医药大硕士生联培),南中医-中科院上海药物所读博
● 2021年 吴超群(联合指导老师),中山大学读博
● 2022年 周童曦,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2022年 周童曦,香港理工大学读博(QS世界排名65)
● 2023年 程海涛,硕士研究生国家奖学金(指导老师)
● 2023年 魏沣(石河子大学联培),硕士研究生国家奖学金(联合指导老师)
● 2023年 唐萍(石河子大学联培),硕士研究生国家奖学金(联合指导老师)
● 2023年 魏沣(石河子大学联培),中科院昆植所读博
1. 维吾尔药“欧帕日混”调控AMPK-GLUT4通路的抗糖尿病药效物质基础及作用机制研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目82374144),2024.1-2027.12,48万,主持,在研
2. 三种槐属民族药抗糖尿病药效物质基础及作用机制研究(国家自然科学基金国际交流合作项目81911540487),2019.7-2021.6,10万,主持,结题
3. 民族药石上柏作用于喉癌COX-2和EGFR 多靶标的活性成分及作用机制研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目81774000),2018.1-2021.12,66万,主持,结题
4. 基于GLUT4和SGLT2双靶点的槐属药用植物抗糖尿病药效物质基础及作用机制研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目81573561),2016.1-2019.12,66万元,主持,结题
5. 基于GLUT4靶点的苦参抗糖尿病活性物质和作用机制研究( 国家自然科学基金青年项目81102798),2012.1-2014.12,22万,主持,结题
6. 藏药鬼箭锦鸡儿基于GLUT4靶点的抗糖尿病药效物质基础及作用机制研究,青海省自然科学基金重点项目(2023-0302-ZJC-0147),2023.1-2024.12,到账经费15万,第二完成人,在研
7. 新疆阿魏的药效物质基础与作用机制研究,新疆自治区区域协同创新专项上海合作组织科技伙伴计划及国际科技合作计划项目(2023E01019),2023.1-2025.12,第二完成人,在研
8. 大宗维吾尔民族药质量标准提升、药效物质和作用机制及开发示范研究,国家民委中青年英才计划项目MZR20003,2019.9-2021.9,10万,主持,结题
9. 典型天然香料关键成分剖析方法研究,湖北中烟工业有限责任公司委托横向课题HZY21057(2021JCXL3JS2C003),2021.8-2022.12,79万,主持,结题
10. 维吾尔药材破布木果有效成份分离与作用机制的研究,新疆自治区区域协同创新专项上海合作组织科技伙伴计划及国际科技合作计划项目(2020E01016),2021.4-2022.12, 到账15万,第二完成人,结题
11. 基于核磁共振谱和活性导向的藏药抗肝癌药效物质和作用机制研究,青海省重点研发与转化计划科技合作项目科技合作专项(2020-HZ-802),2020.1-2022.12,到账经费22.75万,第二完成人,结题
12. 西黄蓍胶等三种药材质量标准研究,和田维吾尔药业股份有限公司委托横向课题(HZY20015),2020.8-2021.12,16.8万,主持,结题
13. 烟用三乙酸甘油酯关键组分分析及品控指标研究,湖北中烟工业有限责任公司委托横向课题HZY19036,2019.9-2020.6,34.8万,主持,结题
14. 武汉市应用基础研究项目“中药五类新药竹黄降糖有效部位药效学研究”(2017060201010217),2017.8-2019.12,15万,主持,结题
15. 基于Caspase 3 靶点和预分离组分库的藏药抗肝癌药效物质及其作用机制研究(青海省自然科学基金重点项目2016-ZJ-908),2016.1-2018.12,到账经费7万(分配15万),排名第二,结题
16. 新药中药六类川七镇脑宁胶囊开发研究(武汉市国家东湖高新区3551光谷创新人才计划项目BX219),2014.5-2017.5,100万(企业配套400万),主持,结题
17. 基于GLUT4靶点的广豆根抗糖尿病活性物质和作用机制研究(中科院上海药物药物研究所新药研究国家重点实验室开放基金SIMM1403KF-07),2014.4-2015.4,8万,主持,结题
18. 苦参抗糖尿病有效部位临床前药效和作用机制研究(武汉市科技计划项目青年晨光计划项目2013070104010028),2013.1-2014.12,10万,主持,结题
19. 基于GLUT4靶点的苦参抗糖尿病活性物质和作用机制研究(人事部留学回国人员择优资助项目BZY12006),2012.1-2014.12,3万,主持,结题
20. 基于GLUT4靶点的苦参抗糖尿病活性物质和作用机制研究(威尼斯wns8885556人才引进基金项目YZ211002),2011.1-2013.12,90万,主持,结题
21. 基于鄂西土家药物库和GLUT4靶点的抗糖尿病活性成分的发现,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目,2019.1-2020.12, 6万,主持,在研
22. 中药和民族药物中活性成分快速发现的新技术及在中药新药研发中的应用(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目CZP17060,奖项培育),2017.7-2018.7,5万,主持,结题
23. 藏药马先蒿质量标准研究(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目3212014CZW14051),2013.5-2015.5,5.5万,主持,结题
24. 基于土家药物库和GLUT4靶点的抗糖尿病活性成分发现策略(湖北省民族药物现代化工程技术研究中心开放课题2015ZD004),2015.5-2017.4,6万,主持,结题
25. 基于壮、傣、土家等民族医特色病种药物的有效性及质量评价关键技术研究(十二五国家科技支撑计划项目2012BAI27B06),2011.1-2015.12,分配经费36万,科研骨干人员,结题
26. 藏药预分离组分库建立与抗肝癌活性研究(青海省自然科学基金重点项目2012-Z-904),2012.1-2014.12,分配经费10万,排名第二,结题
27. 傣药榼藤子皂苷类成分的抗二型糖尿病活性和药理研究(湖北省自然科学基金一般项目BZY11061),2013.1-2014.12,3万,排名第四,结题
28. 基于民族药物预分离组分库的抗前列腺癌的先导化合物发现策略(威尼斯wns8885556学生科研基金重点项目KYCX110009E),2012.5-2013.5年,0.6万,指导老师,结题
29. 民族药物内生菌抗癌活性成分的发现(国家级大学生创新项目GXX14211),2013.4-2014.4,2万,指导老师,结题
30. 苦参降糖活性部位毒理学研究(湖北省大学生创新项目SCX15006),2014.4-2015.4,1万,指导老师,结题
31. 基于GLUT4靶点的苦豆子抗糖尿病活性物质和作用机制研究(湖北省大学生创新项目SCX15025),2015.4-2016.4,1万,指导老师,结题
32. 喜树内生真菌中抗肝癌活性化合物的发现(国家级大学生创新项目GCX1728),2017.4-2018.4,2万,指导老师,结题
1. 后基因组时代新药发现关键技术研究(上海市自然科学基金重点项目036505003),2003.1-2005.12,参与人
2. 建立来源于传统中草药的天然产物库(中科院上海药物研究所-诺华公司国际合作项目),2002-2008,参与人
3. Discovering of GABAA receptor modulators from medicinal plants and fungal materials (瑞士国家自然基金项目),2005-2008,主要参与人
4. Discovering of anticancer leads from medicinal plants and fungal materials based on HPLC fractionation extract library(瑞士国家自然基金项目),2006-2009,主要参与人
5. Discovery new Antimalarial lead from nature bank (Medicines for Malaria Venture慈善基金项目),2008-2010,参与人
6. 辉瑞工业合作项目“Pfizer Collaboration-Anti-Infective Project”,2009-2011,主要参与人
1. Pu Guo, Qirong Lu, Siyi Hu, Yaqin Yang, Xinru Wang, Xinzhou Yang*, Xu Wang*. Daucosterol confers protection against T-2 toxin induced blood-brain barrier toxicity through the PGC-1α-mediated defensive response in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 459, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.132262. (中科院一区Top,IF14.22)
2. Zhijie Wen, Li Kang, Hudie Fu, Shengpeng Zhu, Xuexin Ye, Xuedan Yang, Shangwen Zhang, Jie Hu, Xiaojun Li, Lvyi Chen, Yan Hu*, Xinzhou Yang*. Oral delivery of porous starch-loaded bilayers microgels for controlled drug delivery and treatment of ulcerative colitis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 314: 120887. (中科院一区Top, IF10.49)
3. Tongxi Zhou, Guanjun Song, Di Tian, Qinghua Liu, Jinhua Shen, Xinzhou Yang*, Ping Zhao*. Nuciferine relieves type 2 diabetes mellitus via enhancing GLUT4 expression and translocation. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023, 2023, 12: 2040-2051. (中科院一区Top, IF8.02)
4. Lulu Zhang, Xiuteng Zhou, Huijian Chen, Liangzhen You, Ting Zhang, Meng Cheng, Yudi Yao, Xin Pan*, Xinzhou Yang*. Antidiabetic effect of an ethyl acetate extract of Morus alba fruits on type 2 diabetes mice induced by a high-fat diet and streptozotocin and its underlying mechanism. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2023, 313: 116475. (中科院二区Top, IF5.40)
5. Yudi Yao#, Yang Chen#, Huijian Chen, Xin Pan, Xiaojun Li, Wenqi Liu, Yerlan Bahetjan, Binan Lu, Kejian Pang, Xinzhou Yang*, Zongran Pang*. Morus nigra fruits extract inhibits hepatic adipogenesis in T2DM mice by regulating AMPK/mTOR pathway to improve diabetes and dyslipidemia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2024, 319: 117216. (中科院二区Top, IF5.40)
6. Yerlan Bahetjan, Wenqi Liu, Muguli Muhaxi, Ni Zheng, Fatemeh Sefidkon, Kejian Pang, Guangwen Shu*, Xinzhou Yang*. Ethyl acetate extract of Ferula ferulaeoides induces apoptosis in esophageal cancer through the mitochondrial apoptotic and PI3K/Akt pathways. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16: 105291. (中科院二区, IF6.13)
7. Wenqi Liu, Siwen Kang, Ni Zheng, Yerlan Bahetjan, Huijian Chen, Guangzhong Yang*, Xinzhou Yang*. A composition of ursolic acid derivatives from Ludwigia hyssopifolia induces apoptosis in throat cancer cells via the Akt/mTOR and mitochondrial signaling pathways and by modulating endoplasmic reticulum stress. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2023, 117351, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2023.117351. (中科院二区Top, IF5.40)
8. Ting Zhang, Xiangluan Wan, Changfu Liu, Jing Luo, Dingrong Wan, Xinzhou Yang. A comparative UPLC-MS-based metabolomics approach for distinguishing four different cultivars of Qiai (Artemisia argyi Lévl. et Van. in Qichun). Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2024, 17: 105452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arabjc.2023.105452. (中科院二区Top, IF6.13)
9. Ting Zhang, Dingrong Wan, Yuanyuan Li, Sisi Wang, Xiuteng Zhou*, Fatemeh Sefidkon, Xinzhou Yang*. UPLC-MS analysis, quantification of compounds, and comparison of bioactivity of methanol extract and its fractions from Qiai (Artemisia argyi Lévl. et Van.). Molecules, 2023, 28, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28052022. (中科院二区Top, IF4.92)
10. Haitao Cheng, Yanhong Yao, Huijian Chen, Ping Zhao, Xinyi Kang, Xiuteng Zhou*, Wenqi Liu, Xinzhou Yang*. Discovery of bicyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum himalaicum with glucose transporter 4 translocation activity. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2022, 129, 106160.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg. (中科院一区Top, IF 5.27)
11. Yerlan Bahetjan, Muguli Muhaxi, Kejian Pang, Murat Kizaibek, Hui Tang*, Sefidkon Fatemeh, Xinzhou Yang*. Chemistry, Bioactivity, and Prediction of Quality marker (Q-marker) of Ferula plants in China: A Review. Molecules, 2023, 28, 5191. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28135191. (中科院二区Top, IF4.93)
12. Yan Hu*, Shangwen Zhang, Zhijie Wen, Hudie Fu, Jie Hu, Xuexin Ye, Li Kang, Xiaojun Li, Xinzhou Yang*. Oral delivery of curcumin via multi-bioresponsive polyvinyl alcohol and guar gum based double-membrane microgels for ulcerative colitis therapy. Int J Biol Macromol., 2022, 221: 806-820. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.050. (中科院一区Top , IF 8.02)
13. Chao Wang, Xinzhou Yang, George D. Mellick*, Yunjiang Feng*. Phlegmacaritones A and B, a Pair of Serratane-Related Triterpenoid Epimers with an Unprecedented Carbon Skeleton from Phlegmariurus carinatus. Journal of Natural Products, 2022, 85(4): 899–909. (中科院二区 , IF 4.80)
14. Ping Tang#, Xinzhou Yang#, Huijian Chen, Ting Zhang, Hui Tang*, Kejian Pang*. Anti-diabetic activity of extract from Morus nigra L. twigs in type 2 diabetic mice through activation of AMPK/PKC pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2022, 99, 105358. (二区Top, IF 5.22)
15. Yu Peng, Tongxi Zhou, Xiaojun Li*, Xinzhou Yang*. Dehydrocostus lactone inhibits the proliferation of esophageal cancer cells in vivo and in vitro through ROS-mediated apoptosis and autophagy. Food and Chemical Toxicity, 2022, 2022, 170, 113453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2022.113453. (二区Top, IF 6.02)
16. Yibing Lv#, Ping Zhao#, Kejian Pang, Yuanren Ma, Ji Hao, Huiqi Huang, Xinzhou Yang*. Antidiabetic Effect of a Flavonoid-Rich Extract From Sophora alopecuroides L. in HFD and STZ Induced Diabetic Mice through PKC/GLUT4 Pathway and Regulating PPARα and PPARγ expression. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021, 268: 113654.
17. Yun Huang#, Tongxi Zhou#, Huiqi Huang, Chaoqun Wu, Qinxiong Lin, Qiang Wang, Jinyan Zhang, Xinzhou Yang*, Kejian Pang*. Antidiabetic activity of a Flavonoid-Rich Extract from flowers of Wisteria sinensis in type 2 diabetic mice via activation of the IRS-1/PI3K/Akt/GLUT4 pathway. Journal of Functional Foods, 2021, 77: 104338.
18. Chaoqun Wu, Huiqi Huang, Yuanren Ma, Tongxi Zhou, Yu Peng, Kejian Pang, Guangwen Shu*, Xinzhou Yang*. Anti-esophageal Cancer Effect of Corilagin Extracted from Phmllanthi Fructus via the Mitochondrial and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathways. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021, 269: 113700.
19. Yuanren Ma, Tongxi Zhou, Ping Zhao, Ho-Young Choi, Ji Hao, Huiqi Huang, Chaoqun Wu, Xinzhou Yang*, Kejian Pang*. New flavonoids from the roots of Sophora davidii (Franch.) Skeels and their glucose transporter 4 translocation activities. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 106, 104500, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.104500.
20. Shangwen Zhang, Li Kang, Sheng Hu, Jie Hu, Yanping Fu, Yan Hu*, Xinzhou Yang*. Carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres loaded hyaluronic acid/gelatin hydrogels for controlled drug delivery and the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 2021, 167: 1598-1612.
21. Guanjun Song#, Yun Huang#, Mingrui Xiong, Di Tian, Qing-Hua Liu, Jinhua Shen, Ping Zhao*, Xinzhou Yang*. Aloperine relieves type 2 diabetes mellitus via enhancing GLUT4 expression and translocation. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 11: 561956.
22. Chaoqun Wu#, Guangwen Shu#, Huiqi Huang, Kejian Pang, Xinzhou Yang*, Guangzhong Yang*. Methylgerambullin derived from Glycosmis pentaphylla mediates anti-hepatocellular carcinoma cancer effect by activating mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling and inhibiting AKT and STAT3 pathways. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2021, 149:112031.
23. Huiqi Huang, Kangdi Li, Yu Peng, Tongxi Zhou, Xiandong Zhou, Jingtong Deng, Xinzhou Yang*, Guangzhong Yang*. A composition of bractatin and neobractatin from the fruits of Garcinia bracteata induces apoptosis in throat cancer through the endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial apoptotic and Akt pathways. Journal of Functional Foods, 2021, 84, 104585.
24. Ji Hao#, Tongxi Zhou#, Yuanren Ma, Jingtong Deng, Haitao Cheng, Qiang Wang, Qinxiong Lin, Xinzhou Yang*, Hoyoung Choi*. New polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol derivatives and xanthones from Hypericum wilsonii. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9:717904.
25. Feng Wei#, Xinzhou Yang#, Kejian Pang*, Hui Tang*. Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Quality Control of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap.: A Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12: 761811.
26. Chang Liu, Hong Liu, Huiqi Huang, Ji Hao, Yibing Lv, Jinyan Zhang, Yuanren Ma, Chaoqun Wu, Rui Qin*, Xinzhou Yang*. Corilagin Induces Laryngeal Cancer Apoptosis by Activating Mitochondrial and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Signaling and Inhibiting AKT and STAT3 Pathways in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 69: 103947.
27. Yibing Lv, Wenjie Ren, Yirui Zhang, Yun Huang, Ji Hao, Kun Ma, Yuanren Ma, Xinzhou Yang*. Antidiabetic activity of a lipophilic extract from flowers of Wisteria sinensis by targeting the GLUT4 glucose transporter and regulating lipid metabolism disorders. Food & Nutrition Research, 2020, 64: 3589.
28. Huiqi Huang, Chang Liu, Kejian Pang, Yibing Lv, Ji Hao, Chaoqun Wu, Yuanren Ma, Yu Peng, Xinzhou Yang*, Wei K. Zhang*. A biflavonoid-rich extract from Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron in vitro and in vivo mediates anticancer effect by inhibiting STAT3 and Akt/NF-κB signaling pathways to induce apoptosis in laryngeal carcinoma. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2020, 24(20): 11922–11935.
29. Wanli Liang#, Yanzhang Wen#, Fang Huang, Qin Hu, Xiaojun Li, Wei Kevin Zhang*, Xinzhou Yang*. Chrysanthemum ethanol extract induced mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis of Kupffer cells in vivo and in vitro. Food & Function, 2020, 11(10): 8866-8877.
30. Ren Zhang, Ji Hao, Qingming Wu, Kaiwen Guo, Chao Wang, Wei Kevin Zhang, Wanxin Liu, Qiang Wang* and Xinzhou Yang*. Dehydrocostus lactone inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis by PI3K/Akt/Bad and ERS signaling pathway in human laryngeal carcinoma. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2020, 24(11):6028-6042.
31. Ping Zhao*, Jia Liu, Qian Ming, Di Tian, Jingwen He, Ziwei Yang, Jinhua Shen, Qing‑Hua Liu, Xinzhou Yang*. Dandelion extract relaxes mouse airway smooth muscle by blocking VDLCC and NSCC. Cell & Bioscience, 2020, 10 (125): 1-12.
32. Yibing Lv, Qian Ming, Ji Hao,Yun Huang, Hao Chen, Qiang Wang, Xinzhou Yang*, Ping Zhao*. Anti-diabetic activity of canophyllol from Cratoxylum cochinchinense (Lour.) Blume in type 2 diabetes mice via activation of AMP-activated kinase and regulation of PPARγ. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 964-977.
33. Yibing Lv, Ji Hao, Chang Liu, Huiqi Huang, Yuanren Ma, Xinzhou Yang*,Li Tang*. Anti-diabetic Activity of a Phenolic-Rich Extract from Hypericum attenuatum Choisy in KK-Ay Mice via Activation of AMPK/PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway and Regulation of GLUT4 and PPARγ. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 61: 103506.
34. Md. Adnan, Md. Nazim Uddin Chy, A.T.M. Mostafa Kamal, James W. Barlow, Mohammad Omar Faruque, Xinzhou Yang*, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin*. Evaluation of anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the methanol extract of Holigarna caustica (Dennst.) Oken leaves. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2019, 236: 401-411.
35. Ping Zhao*,#, Di Tian#, Guanjun Song, Qian Ming, Jia Liu, Jinhua Shen, Qinghua Liu, Xinzhou Yang*. Neferine promotes GLUT4 expression and fusion with the plasma membrane to induce glucose uptake in L6 cells. Front. Pharmacol., 2019, 10: 999.
36. Mohammad Omar Faruquea, Umme Ruman Ankhi, M. Kamaruzzaman, James W. Barlow, Bo Zhou, Ji Hao, Xinzhou Yang*, Xuebo Hu*. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Congea tomentosa, an ethnomedicinal plant from Bangladesh. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 141, 111745.
37. Hao Chen, Jingquan Yuan*, Ji Hao, Yanzhang Wen, Yibin Lv, Lu Chen, Xinzhou Yang*. α-Humulene induces hepatocellular carcinoma cell antiproliferation and apoptosis through inhibiting AKT signaling. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2019, 134: 110830.
38. Yun Huang, Ji Hao, Di Tian, Yanzhang Wen, Ping Zhao, Hao Chen, Yibing Lv, Xinzhou Yang*. Antidiabetic activity of a flavonoid-rich extract from Sophora davidi (Franch.) skeels in KK-Ay mice via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9:760.
39. Guangwen Shu, Ji Hao, Wei Li, Lang Zhang, Yunhan Qiu, Xinzhou Yang*. Liensinine suppresses STAT3-dependent HK2 expression through elevating SHP-1 to induce apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 45: 288-297.
40. Mingrui Xiong1, Yun Huang1, Yajing Liu, Mi Huang, Guanjun Song, Qian Ming, Xinhua Ma, Jie Yang, Shihao Deng, Yanzhang Wen, Jinhua Shen, Qing-Hua Liu, Ping Zhao*, Xinzhou Yang*. Antidiabetic activity of ergosterol from Pleurotus ostreatus in KK-Ay mice with spontaneous type 2 diabetes mellitus. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2018, 62 (3). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201700444.
41. Sijian Zheng1, Shihao Deng1, Mi Huang, Ping Zhao, Yun Huang, Xinhua Ma, Yanzhang Wen, Qiang Wang*, Xinzhou Yang*. Anti-diabetic activity of polyphenol-rich extract from Phellinus igniarius in KK-Ay mice with spontaneous type 2 diabetes mellitus. Food & Function, 2018, 9: 614-623.
42. Jie Yang1, Hao Chen1, Shihao Deng, Mi Huang, Xinhua Ma, Ping Song, Jingwen Du, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Yongshen Ren*, Xinzhou Yang*. Inhibitory effect of kurarinone on growth of human non-small cell lung cancer: an experimental study both in vitro and in vivo studies. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9: 252.
43. Hao Chen1, Bei Zhou1, Jie Yang, Xinhua Ma, Shihao Deng, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Jingquan Yuan*, Xinzhou Yang*. Essential oil derived from Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. mediates anticancer effect by inhibiting STAT3 and AKT activation to induce apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9: 483..
44. Xinzhou Yang1, Mi Huang1, Jie Yang, Jialin Wang, Sijian Zheng, Xinhua Ma, Jinyan Cai, Shihao Deng, Gunagwen Shu*, Guangzhong Yang*. Activity of isoliensinine in improving the symptoms of type 2 diabetic mice via activation of AMP-activated kinase and regulation of PPARγ. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017, 65 (33): 7168-7178.
45. Jialin Wang1, Mi Huang1, Jie Yang, Xinhua Ma, Sijian Zheng, Shihao Deng, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Xinzhou Yang*, Ping Zhao*. Anti-diabetic activity of stigmasterol from soybean oil by targeting GLUT4 glucose transporter. Food & Nutrition Research, 2017, 61 (1): 1364117.
46. Li Chen1, Sijian Zheng1, Mi Huang1, Xinhua Ma, Jie Yang, Shihao Deng, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Xinzhou Yang*. β-Ecdysterone from Cyanotis arachnoidea exerts hypoglycemic effects through activating IRS-1/Akt/GLUT4 and IRS-1/Akt/GLUT2 signal pathways in KK-Ay mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 2017, 39: 123-132.
47. Jie Yang1, Chan Xu1, Hao Chen, Mi Huang, Xinhua Ma, Shihao Deng, Yun Huang, Yanzhang Wen, Xinzhou Yang*, Ping Song*. In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of the diterpene enriching extract from Taxodium ascendens through the mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis pathway. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017, 96: 1199-1208.
48. Qi Zhou1, Xinzhou Yang1, Mingrui Xiong, Xiaolan Xu, Li Zhen, Weiwei Chen, Yan Wang, Jinhua Shen, Ping Zhao*, Qing-Hua Liu*. Chloroquine increases glucose uptake via enhancing GLUT4 translocation and fusion with the plasma membrane in L6 cells. Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 2016, 38: 2030-2040.
49. Guangwen Shu, Lang Zhang, Shanqing Jiang, Zhuo Cheng, Guan Wang, Xu Huang, Xinzhou Yang*. Isoliensinine induces dephosphorylation of NF-kB p65 subunit at Ser536 via a PP2A-dependent mechanism in hepatocellular carcinoma cells: roles of impairing PP2A/I2PP2A interaction. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(26):40285-40296.
50. Mi Huang, Shihao Deng, Qianqian Han, Ping Zhao, Qi Zhou, Sijian Zheng, Xinhua Ma, Chan Xu, Jing Yang, Xinzhou Yang*. Hypoglycemic activity and the potential mechanism of the flavonoid rich extract from Sophora tonkinensis Gagnep. in KK-Ay mice. Frontiers in Pharmacol., 2016, 7: 288.
51. Mi Huang, Ping Zhao, Mingrui Xiong, Qi Zhou, Sijian Zheng, Xinhua Ma, Chan Xu, Jing Yang, Xinzhou Yang*, Tong-Cun Zhang*. Antidiabetic activity of perylenequinonoid-rich extract from Shiraia bambusicola in KK-Ay mice with spontaneous type 2 diabetes mellitus. J. Ethnopharmacol., 2016, 191: 71-81.
52. Guangwen Shu, Ling Yue, Wenhao Zhao, Chan Xu, Jing Yang, Shaobing Wang, Xinzhou Yang*. Isoliensinine, a bioactive alkaloid derived from embryos of Nelumbo nucifera, induces hepatocellular carcinoma cell apoptosis through suppression of NF-κB signaling. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2015, 63 (40): 8793-8803.
53. Xinzhou Yang#, Jing Yang#, Chan Xu, Mi Huang, Qi Zhou, Jingnan Lv, Xinhua Ma, Changqiang Ke, Yang Ye, Guangwen Shu*, Ping Zhao*. Antidiabetic effects of flavonoids from Sophora flavescens EtOAc extract in Type 2 diabetic KK-Ay mice. J. Ethnopharmacol., 2015, 171: 161-170. .
54. Guangwen Shu, Jing Yang, Chan Xu, Zhinnan Mei, Xinzhou Yang*. Kurarinol induces hepatocellular carcinoma cell apoptosis through suppressing cellular signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 signaling. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2014, 281 (2):157-65.
55. Xinzhou Yang, Rohan A. Davis, Malcolm S. Buchanan, Sandra Duffy, Vicky M. Avery, David Camp, Ronald J. Quinn*. Antimalaria bromotyrosine derivatives from the Australian marine sponge Hyattella sp. J. Nat. Prod., 2010, 73, 985-987.
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5. 《湖北中药志》,编委
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2. 杨新洲. 用于治疗喉癌的药物组合物、其制备方法及其应用. ZL202010195158.4 (已授权)2021.08.17
3. 宋萍, 杨新洲, 陈豪, 杨洁.一种治疗癌症的药物组合物及其应用. ZL201710589075.1(已授权)2018.6.26
4. 杨新洲, 黄密, 赵平, 黄蕴. 竹黄乙酸乙酯萃取物用于制备防治糖尿病药物的用途. ZL201510473612.7(已授权)2018.9.28
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1. 2022年9月24日, 在线上参加了“世界中医药学会联合会中药化学专业委员会第十届学术年会暨黑龙江中医药大学药学院建院五十周年庆祝大会”会议,作了“基于GLUT4靶点和民族药物库的抗糖尿病天然产物的发现研究”的报告,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
2. 2019年11月15至2019年11月17日, 在浙江丽水参加了“2019年畲医药临床应用学习班”,作了“基于民族药物库和活性导向的活性天然产物的发现”的报告,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
3. 2019年5月18, 在武汉参加了“第二届 天然药物(中药、民族药)研究--南湖论坛”,作了“基于民族药物库的一些研究进展”的报告,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
4. 2018年12月7日至2018年12月9, 在广西都安参加了“2018年全国瑶医药学术交流会”会议,作了“民族药物的新药研究”的报告,与参会专家学者进行了深入的交流.
5. 2018年11月6日至2018年11月8日,在武汉参加了“2nd One-Belt One- Road International Conference on Traditional Medicine”国际会议,与参会专家做了深入的交流.
6. 2018年10月13日至2018年10月15日, 在海南海口参加了“全国民族医药学者论坛海南黎族医药专题”会议,作了“基于民族药物库和活性导向的活性天然产物的发现”的报告,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
7. 2018年7月25日至2018年7月30日在新疆伊犁参加了“民族医药科研能力提升培训班暨中国民族医药学会科研分会常务理事会”,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
8. 2018年6月4日至2016年6月8日,在上海参加了“The 9th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 249”国际会议,与参会专家做了深入的交流.
9. 2018年4月20日至2018年4月22日,在北京参加了“中国民族医药学会科研分会第三届学术年会”,与参会的专家学者进行了深入的交流.
10. 2017年6月5日至2017年6月8日,在香港参加了“The 8th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 249 Traditional Chinese Medicine”国际会议,作了“Traditional Chinese Medicine ─ Ginkgo biloba L. Leaf”的大会报告.