


作者:张丽    浏览次数:    责任编辑:    审核:    上传:    发布时间:2024-04-30










2018.12—至今  威尼斯wns8885556生命科学学院,副教授

2012.07—2018.12  威尼斯wns8885556生命科学学院,讲师







1. 主持:国家自然科学基金青年项目(31401607),基于数字PCR的非法转基因成分检测研究2015/01-2017/12

2. 主持:湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2016CFB616),特种经济作物红花和葛内标准基因研究,2016/01-2018/12

3. 主持,横向项目(HZY20044),高档红花籽油的开发。2020.10-2024.10


1. Qingqing Xie, Zhifei Liu, Qianqian Liang, Xiaohui Wang, Qiquan Yang, Wenyu Cai, Jiawen Lei, Guojun Cheng, Li Zhang*. Rapid detection of murine‐derived ingredients in meat products using real‐time enzymatic recombinase amplification. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2024, 13841.

2. Xiaohui Wang, Qianqian Liang, Zhifei Liu, Qingqing Xie, Jiawen Lei, Yuhua Wu, Guojun Cheng, Li Zhang*. OPERA-Cas12a: A streamlined one-pot system for specific and sensitive on-site detection of nucleic acids. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, 414: 135941.

3. Haozhen Pu, Yanhua Xiao, Qingqing Xie, Zhi Zou, Xiaohui Wang, Qianqian Liang, Yongguo Zhao, Guojun Cheng, Li Zhang*. Ces44T as an endogenous reference gene in real-time quantitative PCR detection of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) ingredients in food. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2024, 134: 106505

4. Xiaohui Wang, Wenyu Jin, Yao Yang, Huizi Ma, Honghong Liu, Jiawen Lei, Yuhua Wu, Li Zhang*. CRISPR/Cas12a-Mediated Enzymatic Recombinase Amplification for Rapid Visual Quantitative Authentication of Halal Food. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023,341144.

5. Nengwu Si, Jun Li, Hongfei Gao, Yunjing Li, Shanshan Zhai, Fang Xiao, Li Zhang* (co-corresponding author), Gang Wu, Yuhua Wu. Effect of the Matrix and Target on the Accurate Quantification of Genomic and Plasmid DNA by Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction. Agriculture, 2023, 13, 127.

6. Zi Zou, Yongguo Zhao, Li Zhang. Genomic insights into lineage-specific evolution of the oleosin family in Euphorbiaceae [J]. BMC Genomics, 2022, 23(1): 178.

7. Jun Li, Li Zhang (joint first author), Liang Li, Xiaying Li, Xiujie Zhang, Shanshan Zhai, Hongfei Gao, Yunjing Li, Gang Wu, Yuhua Wu. Development of Genomic DNA Certified Reference Material for Genetically Modified Rice Kefeng 6. ACS Omega. 2020, 5(34):21602-21609. (IF 2.87)

8. Li Zhang, He Zhu, Jie Ke, Rui Qin. Selection of a taxon-specific reference gene for qualitative and quantitative PCR detection of Carthamus tinctorius. Food Analytical Methods. 2017, 10(9):1-12.IF 2.167

9. Li Zhang, Yuhua Wu, Jun Li, Wei Li, Biao Liu, Gang Wu. A self-probing primer PCR method for detection of very short DNA fragments. Analytical Biochemistry. 2016, 514: 55-63.IF 2.243

10. Li Zhang, Yuhua Wu, Gang Wu, Yinglong Cao, Changming Lu. Correction of the lack of commutability between plasmid DNA and genomic DNA for quantification of genetically modified organisms using pBSTopas as a model. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2014, 406(25): 6385-6397. IF 3.578

11. Yuhua Wu, Li Zhang (joint first author), Gang Wu, Shujing Nie, Changming Lu . Characterization of Genomic Integration and Transgene Organization in Six Transgenic Rapeseed Events. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2014, 9(13): 1865-1876. IF 0.625

12. Li Zhang, Yinglong Cao, Xin Liu, Gang Wu, Yuhua Wu, Changming Lu. In-depth analysis of the endogenous reference genes used in the quantitative PCR detection systems for rice. European Food Research and Technology. 2012, 234 (6): 981-993.  IF 1.585

13. Gang Wu, Li Zhang (joint first author), Yuhua Wu, Yinglong Cao, Ling Xiao, Changming Lu. Comparison of Five Endogenous Reference Genes for Specific PCR Detection and Quantification of Brassica napus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010, 58 (5): 2812–2817. IF 2.816

14. Li Zhang, Gang Wu, Yuhua Wu, Yinglong Cao, Ling Xiao, Changming Lu. An Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis)-Specific Gene, MT3-B, Can Be Used to Differentiate Palm Oil from other Oil Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009, 57 (16):7227–7232. IF 2.469

15. 张丽, 吴刚, 武玉花, 沈平, 宋贵文, 周云龙. 转基因产品检测标准物质的定值和不确定度研究进展. 农业生物技术学报, 2014, 22 (3): 362-371

16. 张丽, 曹应龙, 王海英, 梁晓声, 卢长明. 实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测转基因成分的数据分析及其标准化研究.农业生物技术学报, 2015, 23(1): 126-134.

17. 张丽, 刘丽丽, 梁晓声, 王海英. 实时定量PCR鉴定转基因作物纯合体[J].威尼斯wns8885556学报(自然科学版), 2015, 34(1):43-46.

18. 张丽, 宋贵文, 沈平, 李文龙, 武玉花, 吴刚. 转基因大豆MON89788基体标准物质的研制.农业生物技术学报, 2016,24(2):295-304.

19. 林寒, 李刚, 刘虹, 陈雁, 方莹, 覃瑞, 张丽*. 中国红花种质资源的种类与分布. 生物资源. 2018, 40 (04), 314-320.

20. 张丽, 刘良科, 郑丽平, 刘秤利, 刘虹, 覃瑞. 野葛特异性PCR检测方法的建立与应用研究. 威尼斯wns8885556学报(自然科学版), 2019, 38(02): 204-209.

21. 张丽, 郭桂梅, 严钰澳, 杨怡臻, 覃瑞, 龚汉雨. 莼菜戚风蛋糕卷的研制. 食品研究与开发. 2020, 41(3):97-101.

22. 覃尔岱, 王靖, 覃瑞, 刘虹, 熊海容, 刘娇, 王海英, 张丽*. 我国不同区域膳食结构分析及膳食营养建议 [J]. 中国食物与营养, 2020, 26(08): 82-86+59.

23. 斯能武, 李俊, 武玉花, 吴刚, 张丽*. 数字PCR在转基因定量检测中的研究进展 [J]. 中国油料作物学报, 2021, 43(01): 40-50.

24. 肖艳华, 邹智, 赵永国, 郭安平, 张丽*. 油莎豆乙酰乳酸合酶基因CeALS的克隆与分析[J]. 生物技术通报, 2022, 38(04):184-192.

25. 杨瑶, 斯能武, 严钰澳, 覃瑞, 吴智华, 张丽*. 实时荧光PCR定量检测肉制品中猪源性成分[J]. 食品工业科技, 2022, 43(03):268-274.


1. 张丽,覃瑞,刘虹,李刚,祝贺,邱秀双,王龙体。一种花生DNA条形码标准检测基因以及花生物种的分子鉴定方法。2019.08.02,中国,ZL201610537174.0

2. 张丽覃瑞,张丹丹,李刚,刘虹。一种马铃薯仔薯的诱导繁殖培养基及应用方法。2020.2.7,中国,ZL201810133566.X

3. 张丽,刘虹,覃瑞,刘秤利,张丹丹,李刚。一种绵毛金腰的水培繁殖的培养液及培养方法。2020.3.27。中国,CN201810857776

4. 张丽,刘虹,覃瑞,刘秤利,张丹丹,李媛媛,庞熊翠,赖奕亦。一种大叶金腰的水培繁殖的培养液及培养方法。2020.3.27。中国, CN201810857509

5. 张丽,郑丽平,刘秤利,覃瑞,刘虹,李刚,方莹。一种野葛DNA条形码标准基因序列及其应用。2021.2.23。中国,ZL201810093630

6. 张丽, 斯能武, 覃瑞, 杨怡臻, 严钰澳, 刘婷, 刘彦. 一种鉴定猪肉成分的分子标记及其应用。2023.4.25。中国,ZL 2019105475086.

7. 张丽, 严钰澳, 刘彦, 刘婷, 覃瑞, 方莹, 王海英. 一种利用CACA基因鉴定猪肉成分的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法及其应用。2023.8.15。中国,ZL 2019113359424.





1. 主持:教育部新农科研究与改革实践项目(XNKG2003),面向新农科的民族高校食品质量与安全专业”创新型+应用型"实践教育体系构建。2020/9-2024/9

2. 主持:教育部产学合作协同育人项目(202002115020),食品快速检测技术教学科研师资队伍建设。2020/11-2022/6

3. 主持:教育部产学合作协同育人项目(220606278292515),民族高校食品质量与安全专业创新创业教育改革探索。2022/11-2023/11

