1. Personal Information
Name: Yuebin GEGender: FemaleDate of Birth: 5th October 1979Nationality: ChinaAddress: School of Pharmaceutical Science,South-central University for Nationalities, Minyuan Road 182, HongshanDistrict, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, Zip:430074 Tel: 86-18062586026(mobile telephone) , 86-27-67841196(department office)Fax: (027) 67841196(department office)E-Mail: duckygreen@163.comPresent Occupation:03/2010-present:Associate Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Science, South-central Universityfor Nationalities07/2006-02/2010:Lecturer, School of Pharmaceutical Science, South-central University forNationalities Responsible for the teachingof Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics courses and the research interestson two aspects: 1) pharmaceutical preparations including oral and topical drugdelivery and 2) components and activities of ethno-medicines on asthma
2. Education
02/2010-08/2010: Visiting scholar in Department of Nutrition, University ofTennessee at Knoxville
09/2003-06/2006: Doctor’s Degree in School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,Shenyang, Liaoning ProvinceSpecialty: Pharmaceutics Dissertation of Doctor’s degree:Study of daidzein on osteoporosis and its sustained-releasechitosan microspheres (This work was finished in Department of Biologicalscience and technology, Tsinghua University.)
09/2000-06/2003: Master’s Degree in School of Pharmacy, Shenyang PharmaceuticalUniversity, Shenyang, Liaoning ProvinceSpecialty: Pharmaceutics Dissertation of Master’s degree:Design and Evaluation of Fast Release Droppills ofExtract of Ginkgo Biloba
09/1996-06/2000:BachelorDegree in School of Pharmacy, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, HubeiProvinceSpecialty:Traditional Chinese Pharmacy Dissertation of Master’s degree:ThePercolate Technique of Salvia miltiorrhiza for Xin Lvtai Capsule
3. Appointments
Afterall educations, I work in South-central Universityfor Nationalities and haven’t other employment history.
4. Honors:
Sixuniversity scholarships in 1997-2000
Excellentgraduate student of Hubei University of ChineseMedicine in 2000
Excellentdissertation of Doctor’s degree of ShenyangPharmaceuticalUniversityin 2006
ExcellentTeacher of South-central University for Nationalities in 2008
Excellent NaturalResearch Paper in Wuhan City, Third Prize, in 2011
5. Bibliography-Articles in reviewed journals
1) Yuebin Ge, Ying Xiong, Haiyan Xu, Zongguo Hong. Preparation ofemulsion-hydrogel transdermal patch of essential oil from Artemisia argyifolium and its transdermal characteristics. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. 2015, 46(24): 3661-3665. (inChinese)
2) Haiyan Xu, Qin Qin, Yuebin Ge*,Lvyi Chen. Determination of doliroside B in total saponins from Dolichos appendiculatus roots and its in situ intestinal absorption characteristics.Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae. 2015, 21(20):21-24. (inChinese)
3) XIONG Ying,WU Tiejun,TENG Jia,SUN Lei,GE Yuebin *,HONG Zongguo.Simultaneous determination of eucalyptol,camphor and borneol in essential oilfrom Artemisia argyi folium by Capillary GC. Journal of Huazhong NormalUniversity (Nat. Sci.). 2014, 48(2): 224-227. (in Chinese)
4) Wang yuanyuan, Long Xian, Zhong Damei, Yuebin Ge*, Wang Zhenxiong.Anti-tyrosinase and antioxidation activities and contents determining fromwatermelon peel. Food Research and Development. 2014, 35(19): 65-67, 102. (in Chinese)
4) Yuebin Ge, Mengshun Li, Qian Dai. Film coating solutions ofcompound liquorice tablets. Journal of South-Central University forNationalities (Nat. Sci. Edition). 2012, 31(1): 58-60. (in Chinese)
5) Yuebin Ge, Zhinan Mei, Xinqiao Liu. Evaluationof daidzein-loaded chitosan microspheres invivo after intramuscular injection in rats. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI. 2011, 131(12):1807-1812.
6) GE Yue-bin, LI Meng-shun, MEI Zhi-nan.The effect of Daidzein-chitosan Microspheres on Osteoporosis in OvariectomizedMice. LISHIZHEN MEDICINE AND MEDICA RESEARCH. 2011, 22(12): 2963-2965.(in Chinese)
7) Yuebin Ge.Aninvestigation into the mechanisms of rapid release of standard extract from Ginkgo biloba leaf in polyethyleneglycol 6000 solid dispersions. YakugakuZasshi. 2010, 130(3): 425-430.
8) Yuebin Ge, XubinWang, Weilin Guo, Xiaomin Xie. Preparation of water-soluble chitosan soliddispersion of daidzein. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. 2010, 35(3):293-296. (inChinese)
9) Yuebin Ge, Yan Ma, WeizhongLi. Transport and Metabolism of Daidzein in Caco-2 cell model. Journal ofChinese Medical Materials. 2009, 32(10): 1563-1567. (in Chinese)
10) GE Yue-bin, XIE Li-ping, ZHANG Rong-qing. Determination of daidzein in rat plasma by time-resolvedfluroimmunoassay. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal. 2008, 43(5): 369-372. (inChinese)
11) Yue-binGe, Da-wei Chen, Li-ping Xie, Rong-qingZhang. Optimized preparation of daidzein-loaded chitosanmicrospheres and in vivo evaluationafter intramuscular injection in rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutics.2007, 338: 142-151.
12) GE Yue-bin,CHEN Da-wei, XIE Li-ping, WANG Hong-zhong, ZHENG Gui-lan, ZHANG Rong-qing.Preparation of inclusion complex of daidzein and hydropropyl-β-cyclodextrin. China Journal of Chinese MateriaMedica. 2006, 31(24): 2039-2041. (in Chinese)
13) Yue-bin GE,Da-wei CHEN, Zhi-bo LI, Yan MA, Hua-xian SONG, Hai-yang HU. Study on thepreparation of rapid-dissoluted EGb droppills. China Journal of Chinese MateriaMedica. 2003, 28(5): 410-413. (in Chinese)
14)Yue-bin Ge, Zhi-gang Wang, Ying Xiong, Xian-ju Huang*, Zhi-nan Mei, Zong-guo Hong.Anti-inflammatory and blood stasis activities of essential oil extracted from Artemisiaargyi leaf in animals. Journal ofNatural Medicines. 2016, 70(3): 531-538.
15)Yue-Bin Ge,Yi Jiang,Huan Zhou,Mi Zheng,Jun Li,Xian-Ju Huang*,Yue Gao.Antitoxic effect of Veratrilla baillonii on the acute toxicity in mice inducedby Aconitum brachypodum, one of the genus Aconitum. Journal ofEthnophamacology. 2016, 179: 27-37.
16) Yuebin Ge, Fei Zhang, Qin Qin, Yingying Shang, and Dingrong Wan*. InVivo Evaluation of the Antiasthmatic, Antitussive, and Expectorant Activitiesand Chemical Components of Three Elaeagnus Leaves. Evidence-Based Complementaryand Alternative Medicine. 2015, 2015, 428208
17) Yue-bin Ge, Qian Dai, Ding-rong Wan*, Qing-hua Liu*, Zhi-nan Mei. Relaxanteffect of 1-butanol fraction from Elaeagnuspungens leaf through inhibiting L-type Ca2+ channel on guineapig tracheal smooth muscle. Journal of Ethnophamacology. 2013, 150: 196-201.
18) Yue-Bin Ge, Meng-Shun Li, Zhi-Nan Mei and Guang-Zhong Yang*. Twonew flavonol glycosides from the leaves of Elaeagnuspungens. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. 2013, 15(10):1073-1079.
19) Qian Dai, Yuanyuan Wang, Yuebin Ge*, Dingrong Wan, Zongguo Hong.Effect of Elaeagnus pungens leaves on contraction of isolated guinea pigtracheal smooth muscle. Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. 2013, 44(10):1305-1308.
20) Mengshun Li,MaochuanLiao, Yuebin Ge*, Zhinan Mei. Water-solublechemical constituents from Elaeagnuspungens leaves. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica. 2012, 37(9):1224-1226.(in Chinese)
21) Yuebin Ge, Yan Zhang, Rui Li, Wei Chen,Yang Li, Guoxun Chen. Berberine regulated Gck, G6pc, Pck1 and Srebp-1c expressionand activated AMP-activated protein kinase in primary rat hepatocytes.International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2011, 7(5): 673-684.
22) Yan Zhang, WeiChen, Rui Li, Yang Li, Yuebin Ge,Guoxun Chen. Insulin-regulated Srebp-1c and Pck1 mRNA expression in primaryhepatocytes from zucker fatty but not lean rats is affected by feedingconditions. PLoS One. 2011, 6(6): e21342.
23) Cong Li, Yuebin Ge, Dingrong Wan, et al. Optimizationof extraction condition and quantification of total flavonoids in Elaeagni folium.Pharmacognosy Journal. 2011, 3(26): 8-12.
24) Ge Yuebin, Liu Jiaqi, Su Dongfang. In vivoevaluation of the anti-asthmatic, antitussive and expectorant activities ofextract and fractions from Elaeagnuspungens leaf.Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2009, 126(3):538-542.
25) Yuebin Ge, Dawei Chen,LipingXie, Rongqing Zhang. Enhancing effectof daidzein on the differentiation and mineralization in mouse osteoblast-likeMC3T3-E1 cells. Yakugaku Zasshi, 2006,126(8): 651-656.
6. Funding Supports
1)Natural sciences fundation of China (81470181). Studyingon the relation between chemome information and biological activity of Elaeagnus pungens leaf treating Houdisease from Tujia Nationality medicine. 01/01/2015-31/12/2016
2)Natural sciences fundation of China (31000156). Chemicalconstituents of Elaeagnus pungensleaf and regulating immune mechanism. 01/01/2011-31/12/2013
3)Natural sciences fundation of Hubei Province (2008CDB228). Study on flavones involved in Elaeagnuspungens leaf with Caco-2 cells.
4)Natural sciences fundation of Hubei Province (2007ABA357). Study on in drugscreening with Caco-2 cells model.
5)Natural sciences fundation of South-centralUniversity for Nationalities (YZZ06030). Study on sustained release system with chitosan and itsderivatives.